Category: Roy denim
Roy Slaper’s first pair for Self Edge: the RS1
I’ve wanted to get my hands on a pair of jeans from Roy denim, or to be more exact, Roy Slaper for quite some time now. The RS1 is not a bad way to start. His artisanal skills, that he makes the jeans all by himself and the clean design all the way down to the hardware makes it a great and different pair of jeans.
It may not look like a spectacular pair of jeans at first glance. At least to someone who have just taken the plunge into raw denim society. But I think that only adds to the fun.
I know that they are bloody great. Damn well made and a garment very far off from the massproduced throw away-fashion I dislike.
The RS1 itself
I bought this pair from a fellow denimhead whom had the pair hemmed and re-chainstitched. If you browse for pictures on the web you can see that Roy have a tighter fold on the hem but I think this looks all right too. At the very least I enjoy being able to go with a small single cuff.
I never thought I’d say it but the fly construction is probably my favourite part of this jean. (Well done Roy!) Roy is crazy about vintage machines and have this awsome one that makes the white stitching on the sides. I really like the look of it.
Also notice the impecable sewing of the buttonholes. Together with the clean hardware it’s a great example of how you can make an outstandning looking pair of jeans without a flashy gimmick. Devil is in the detail and so on.
The denim is rather stubborn and havn’t got much fades to show yet. I suppose it will stay that way for quite some time since I won’t start wearing them properly before the summer or so.