In one of the last posts I did before going in (another) hiatus I had just started wearing my Resolute 710 more regularly. The regular wear have continued since then, off and on.
Resolute 710 – smart, comfy jeans
Often when I hear or read about the 710’s it’s part of the ivy league style or at least about dressing “smart”. For me though, what I’ve come to enjoy the most is how damn comfortable they are. Some say Fullcount’s denim is almost like wearing sweatpants from the get go, that’s probably the closest description I can give about Resolute. Kind of funny isn’t it, a pair of jeans that feels like wearing sweatpants at home while you look smartly dressed. They definitely deserve more time in the limelight from the western part of the denim community.
60’s blue is spot on
The comfortable feel might be the best part of the jeans but the 60’s shade of the indigo is so damn nice too. The colour is a little off in the photos, thanks to crappy indoor lighting but it’s there alright. I love how Hayashi-san has been on almost like a crusade since the beginning of his career at Denime to perfect the Levi’s 501xx 60’s repro, and how close he is to it. If that’s what your looking for, then I don’t think you should look at anything else (if you enjoy the tweaked cut, that is).

If you’re wondering how long I’ve worn them or how many washes, I honestly have no clue. Plently of jeans in rotation and they all get a go in the washer as soon as they feel dirty.