Full Count 1101

My Full Count 1101 is another gem I brought home with me from Japan. For a long, long time I’ve been thinking about what to go after, both cut wise and denim wise. The lighter standard denim or slightly heavier xx-denim.
When all was said and done I decided to go for Full Count’s 1101, a slightly more modern and tapered cut that is very flattering, in the standard 13,7 oz denim.
It felt like a good choice to go with their flagship denim just like I’ve made the same choice with the other Osaka 5 brands. It is almost like the heart of these classic brands.
The jeans are still shelved in their raw state. I’ve been debating whether to wash them or not. For now I think they will have to stay put.
More talk about the Full Count 1101 will have to wait until then, but I’m very intrigued to see if I feel like it’s my most comfortable pair of jeans like Miki-san is trying to achieve with the brand.
If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend Paul Trynka’s interview with Miki-san from 2014. You can read it at Paul’s blog.
Check out the jeans in the post below.